When you decide to join the Birmingham Kennel Club, you will need to have two current members "sponsor" your membership. They will be able to provide you with all of the information and forms to submit to get that ball rolling by following these simple steps:
1. Complete the membership application that also includes the two (2) required sponsorship forms.
2. Attach your membership dues to your application
3. Attend 2 BKC Meetings
4. Current membership votes on accepting your application
You will need to be sponsored by 2 BKC members in order to apply for membership.
Maybe you don't know anyone in BKC and now you're wondering who will sponsor you for membership, Well, worry no more! Attend a BKC meeting and meet people right away! Or better yet, attend a BKC event and introduce yourself and get to know us!
Remember, you can attend up to two BKC meetings as a non-member.
Start this month !!